Today I went with a few other trainees to visit a Filipino church. Each of us will eventually be going to the Philippines and this is a chance for us to get familiar with the culture. It was such a welcoming group of people. I really enjoyed it and look forward to going back.

While I enjoyed the church, the fellowship and the opportunity to get to know a couple from ICC... I still missed going to my church back in Orlando. Thankfully I can still attend worship online since my church webstreams each service. So, I joined in on the 5:00 pm service tonight. The opening portion of the service was quite fitting for me.

As I read through my blogs, some might feel like I'm obsessed with Florida. I don't think I am. I think I'm just going through the process of letting go of this place I've come to call home. Similarly, my church is having the last of its services in the building they've been in for the last 20 something years (?). Next week the open the new building and will begin having the worship services there. At the start of the service Pastor Vernon was sharing how places can hold memories for each of us and how places can be significant to people as such. He shared how possibly the Mount of Olives might have been a special place to Jesus. He passed through there on his way to go to Mary and Martha when Lazarus was dead. He often went there to be alone with the Father. And on that "beautiful, scandelous night" He went there.

It made me think of places that have been like that to me. In Gainesville it was the botanical gardens by the lake, the Thomas Center, the Reitz Union gallery, the little nook by the tower that only I know about :) In Pennsylvania it was the BCCC gardens, Core Creek Park, Barnes and Nobles.

In Orlando it was Leu Gardens, Lake Eola Panera, early mornings (ha!) or after-hours at Wycliffe.

Places do hold significance to me and I think that's why it's hard whenever I have to go through a change of leaving a place. Pastor Vernon had such a good word for me.

He said... Places are only a part of our journey -- our pilgrimage; for He is preparing a place for us. The point of these places are for us to be where Jesus follow after Him.

So... praying that I will be here in this place He has me now. And that I'd do the same here in Waxhaw as I have in other places-- be met by Him. And for that to be true in each place where I will follow Him.