I love...

9/06/2007 10:40:00 AM | 1 comments »

North Carolina.
I know, I was complaining when I first got here, but it's really grown on me.

I love the way it's quiet out here.
I love that it gets dark and you can actually see the stars.
I love that there's real grass on the ground (you Floridians know what I mean...).
I love that there are hills and mountains.
I love the butterflies that fly around all over the place.
I love this little town and the cute little coffeeshop where all the locals hang out.
I love the friendly community feeling here.
I love that people have houses that look different from the other ones on their street.
I love that people actually have yards - room to run and play.

Tonight Heather, Jeff and I went over to a co-worker's house and sat out on the back patio. It was BEAUTIFUL out there. We saw deer come out of the wood to feed by the pond. I heard a hummingbird for the first time as it flew by the screened porch. I watched dove, cardinals and other pretty birds fly through the yard and eat from the feeder. I saw a spider make a web over the fire pit. I saw the stars come out as the night got darker. And I saw a lightning bug.

Wow... I sound like I've been nature deprived :)


  1. Ruth Hubbard // September 8, 2007 at 10:29 AM  

    So now JT makes even more sense...going to Carolina in his mind?