Happy Fourth!

7/04/2009 09:11:00 PM | 0 comments »

Today was a fun, VERY FULL day.

I woke up (relatively) early and met up with Sandy to take a trip out to visit our friend, Ate Precy.
So today I experienced...

  • my first bus ride
  • my first jeepney ride (in Manila -- since moving here)
  • my first tricycle ride (in Manila -- since moving here)
It took us just about 45 minutes or so to go out to where they live (FTI -- Food something something).
There's a great weekend market near them where we got to have yummy fresh bibingka and bought lots of really GREAT, GREEN, FRESH veggies (better and cheaper than what's at the grocery store!)

After a full morning of shopping, we went to Ate Precy and Kuya Jun's house. We were treated to an incredible lunch -- complete with fresh pineapples and juice made from camote leaves! (Yes, that's that pink stuff in the pitcher. It was soo good!)

I got home totally wiped from such a fun day. Unpacked my beautiful veggies. Took a little nap. It was a good (although not typical...) fourth of July!

(The corner pic with the splotch of red is a photo of my fireworks for the week. Earlier in the week we celebrated Pasig Day! I watched the fireworks from the Kondos' Condo.)