9/29/2009 11:45:00 PM | 0 comments »

Direction. Hope. Acceptance.

Interviews with Nanay Joysisima. Lunch at the beach. Ocean-wet pants to go to the high school! High school visit. Visit to Pastor Tandog's jail ministry.

So, this will reveal how I am so very much hungry for attention and acceptance. :) But, it was a moment that really just touched me and it is my ...

Standout moment from the day...
I think the last time I got a note passed to me was... in high school?? Nope. I take that back. I did have a note passed to me once during a comm class I had in Weimer Hall. Anyway... it's been a loooonnnngggg time.

This afternoon we visited a high school where one of the local pastors teaches a values course using the Kinaray-a language and the scriptures. While Pastor Tandog was outside of the class with the video crew, I was inside snapping photos of the class. I made a comment and could tell right away that I was entertaining them with my "accent." Hahaha. I asked them to guess where I was from... Korea, Japan, Thailand... Australia even!

When the class was dismissed they came out and found me... asked me lots of fun questions and took me to the playground to let me take pictures of them. They danced and sang for me. It was fun. As I left them to go back up to join the rest of the team, one of the girls passed me a note "as a remembrance." Awwww....

A little while later our team was sitting in (what i think was) the cafeteria (or snack room?). The group of girls were standing in the doorway and were being shy to come in. Pastor Tandog said that they wanted to give me something "as a remembrance." And so I was handed TWO MORE notes!

How sweet! It was cute... little notes with drawings and their names... telling me they think I'm beautiful and that they miss me. Awwww... sweet! :)

Yes, I'll take what I can get... love notes from groups of high school girls. Hehehe!
Love sweet!!!