I love it...

10/16/2007 11:33:00 AM | 1 comments »

when I get to tell people about Bible translation.

During yesterday's worship service at some of family's church here in Dallas, I had the opportunity to share about the work of Bible translation. I really do love when I get to do this!

Ok, I'm not always excited about it during the days leading up to it. As a matter of fact, I dread it. I prepare, prepare, prepare and worry, worry, worry. But...

I love when I get to share about this ministry.
I love when I see and hear the responses of people hearing about this work for the first time.
I love knowing that I get to be a part of others learning about the need of thousands of language communities around the world who are still waiting for God's Word in their language.

I really enjoyed sharing at the church yesterday. It was so encouraging speaking with some of the people afterwards!! My prayer is that whenever I have the chance to share with a group of people, that God would use whatever I say (no matter how mumbly or incoherent it may be!!) to His glory in their lives. So... praying that.

It was a blessing to me to have had the opportunity to share in the service and also to spend time with their youth Sunday School for the last couple of weeks. I've been in "training mode" for most of the last couple of months and it can sometimes feel a bit tiring. Sharing what God has been doing in my life and around the world was sooo energizing for me -- a reminder to me of why I'm doing all of this.

I hope that I have more opportunities to share with churches before I leave the country.

AND... I hope that I never tire... never lose the excitement to share about the ways God is working around the world and to share His heart for people to have His Word in their heart language.


  1. Ruth Hubbard // October 17, 2007 at 12:42 AM  

    Thanks for sharing this update and, through it, encouraging me in the midst of the mundane. So glad to hear that these opportunities are springing up and that you are taking advantage of them!