I'm Alive.

5/12/2009 07:30:00 AM | 1 comments »

Yes, I'm alive and doing well. Very well.
I know that it's been a looonnnggg time since I've updated my blog.
My last blog was about my feeling so disconnected, sad and missing home.
Just so you know... I'm doing better :)
Since my last post I've continued to have my up's and down's. But there have been more up's :)

Because of my schedule and lack of internet at home, I haven't been able to blog as frequently. Sad.

I'm heading out tomorrow to fly to PENNSYLVANIA!
My sister is graduating from college and I'm so thankful that I can be there to celebrate with her and our family. After some time at home I'll be hitting some other U.S. cities doing work for Monsoon stateside. It will be a busy month, but I'm looking forward to it.

I'm hoping to post some post-dated updates from the last month while I'm on the road. There's a lot that has happened -- things I've experienced, things I'm learning -- and I want to share it with you.

So... stay tuned for updates from the States and from the past month or so :)


  1. Kathleen // May 12, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

    awesome! glad that you will be back home for at least a little while. please send our congrats to cindy for us. love to you and safe travels! the mcelroy gang