My First Time...

5/18/2009 11:00:00 PM | 0 comments »

ever on a pay phone.
In 2009-- the era of cell phones, iPhones and Blackberries.

At least I don't ever remember ever using a pay phone before :)

I was running errands at Wal-Mart before getting together with my friend, Cheeryl for dinner. I had tried to text her with my cell from the Philippines asking to meet near Wal-Mart instead of my house. It didn't work. I tried to call her with my cell. It didn't work.

And so with that, I got change from the Wal-Mart customer service lady... and called Cheeryl from a pay phone.

I've often looked at grungy pay phones (that are usually blocked by random merchandise and shopping carts) and wondered. "Who uses those things anymore? Does anyone?"

Now I know. Glad that pay phones haven't totally gone none existent. :)

On a side note... I got to eat some "Mexican" food tonight. We had dinner on "On the Border" -- Mexican chopped salad, chicken flauta, chicken enchilada, refried beans, chips and salsa. Oh... and some disappointing guac. :(

It was fun seeing my friend again. Enjoyed a fun evening of food, talking, laughing and flipping through mags at Barnes and Nobles.