A Day Off

11/20/2009 10:11:00 PM | 0 comments »

I haven't had a REAL day off in a while.
There was the day while I was away when I was sick... but even that day I did work from home.
So, today I planned to take a REAL day off.

I started out the day packing up a bag to take around with me for the day.
I packed up my computer, my journal, my Bible, my iPod and my little notebook... my little notebook with my list of things to do.

This morning I had updated my little notebook organizing all my tasks into new lists. I ended up with SIX pages of lists organized by clients, miscellaneous work tasks, personal stuff and personal ministry stuff.

I grabbed my bag and headed to my destination -- a nearby hotel where I planned to just getaway. I arrived and found the beautiful spot where I wanted to sit ... unoccupied and in the SHADE! YAY!!!!!

I sat, pulled out my journal and my Bible... and found myself preoccupied with my lists. I pulled out my iPod and stuffed the buds in my ears, blasted some music and tried to drown out my thoughts with the music. It kind of helped.

Maybe if I had left my computer and my little notebook behind it would have been easier to not think about work stuff. DUH! The thing is -- I really do enjoy my work. I really do want to see the things on my list done.

But, my life isn't just work. I need times to REST, to RELAX, to HAVE FUN. I need to just let things go! :)

So, I tried to read more. I journaled some more. After a while, I decided to leave that spot and head to the mall. I went to the bookstore and picked up a new book. I sat and read leisurely as I had my lunch.

After some time I left that mall and went to another mall where I was going to meet my mom's cousin ( I call him my uncle) and his son (I call him my cousin). We sat in a coffee shop and chatted for a while. While my uncle went for a reunion with old coworkers, my cousin and I wandered the mall. We had dinner together (Yay pizza! Oh how I missed you the last few weeks!!), circled the mall a few times and had a fun photo shoot at the movie theater. No, we didn't actually WATCH a movie, just had fun with the posters. Ha!

It ended up being an enjoyable day. A few thoughts that resulted from today...
1 - It shouldn't be so hard to turn OFF the work switch. Why do I find it so difficult?
2 - As much as I liked the little spot of beauty I retreated to today, I miss spreading out on the grass. Guess I'm still looking for my favorite perfect spot here. :(
3 - God is sooo patient with me and all my silliness :)

(NOTE: My fellow photo shoot model is Daryle, son of my Tito Edmond and Tita Knel. The last time I saw him was on my very first trip to the Philippines in 1999. After that trip I prayed that I'd have the chance to return to the Philippines for a long period of time. Thankful for the sweet ways God fulfills our desires in His timing and in His ways.)