A Day to Rest

11/09/2009 07:29:00 PM | 0 comments »

I arrived at my friend's house at about 5:00 PM Sunday afternoon.
Yes, over 16 hours of travel.
I started to feel a little funny at the airport when we landed.
Surely it was just the need for some sleep and a shower, I thought.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening... in the bathroom. SIGH.
Not fun!
You know, if I'm going to be doing all this travel, my stomach better toughen up! (I've always had a sensitive stomach. Missed many classes during college because of eating something bad at a restaurant).
My theory -- I ate something bad on the plane??? I felt fine before I left :)

I woke up this morning and still wasn't feeling great so I decided to stay home to rest. I'm glad I did. I got a lot of sleep, spent more time in the bathroom, started to eat a little bit... and now I'm starting to feel a little better.

I also got to take some time to look through some of the photos from my trip. I think back on the week I had... I feel good about it. One thing I asked people to pray for was that God would be present. That He would inspire our thinking and guide and direct our time together. I totally believe that prayer was answered. I am thankful - so thankful!

At the same time I wish I could have done more. As I looked through photos it made me think... I wish I had talked more with people. I look at the photos and think there's so much more I could learn about them... from them. SIGH - oh well... lesson learned??

I'm posting some photos on my facebook and flickr pages... hope you enjoy them!