Back in Manila

1/16/2010 07:30:00 AM | 1 comments »

I'm back in Manila.
I arrived around midnight on Saturday, January 9th

I admit it... I did a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE job at blogging while I was away.

And now I'm back... and thrown right into work. There is a LOT that I need to do in the next few weeks. So things are so very, very busy. (To give you a clue as to how busy it's been... I've had a working lunch every day this week.)

Lots of great things coming up... it's just that it makes for a LOT to juggle.

  • Our team is eagerly awaiting the arrival of TWO new team members in the next week or two.Yay!!
  • I'm coordinating a team that is going to the first dedication of Bible stories in one of the Sign Languages in Asia. It happens at the end of the month and the videographer will be coming this week to be briefed on the project. I need to sort out what they need to work on, prepare helpful information for their trip, and test out new equipment that they'll take along with them.
  • There are meetings that I'll travel to during the week of the 24th. Myself and a few colleagues will be leading a training session on Communications. Since I just learned about it when I returned... there's still a lot to prepare.
  • Remember that trip we took to Antique? I'm still reviewing/writing video scripts with the production company. I need to complete that work so they can proceed with final edits.

On top of all that... I'm still jet-lagged. So my mind is working about half the speed. Hehehe.

My time at home was WONDERFUL and VERY, VERY FAST.
Urbana was incredible.
Times with family and friends were so special.

I hope to post some things about it sometime soon!!!
Stay tuned!

In the meantime ... would you pray that I'd get readjusted (physically and emotionally), that I'd get things done that need to be done -- and not stress out about it all.


  1. Tammy // February 6, 2010 at 7:26 PM  

    Hey, friend... just found your blog. I'm weighing in late but want you to know, I'm soooo glad you are back. That's all. Just glad you are here.