Stuck and Stubborn

1/16/2010 07:55:00 AM | 0 comments »

This week it was revealed to me how often I get stuck and stubborn about certain things or ways I like things to be.

I often do work and leisure at home -- online.
I like the freedom and mobility that comes with having my internet access available to me WIRELESSLY.
I love that I can work at the dining room table, in my bedroom or in the living room.

Earlier this week I couldn't connect to my wireless network.
Something was wrong.
I determined that my modem was working fine.
Something was wrong with my wireless router.
So, I spent HOURS and HOURS on the phone talking with the manufacturer of the router.

HOURS and HOURS of troubleshooting, reconfiguring, troubleshooting, reconfiguring.
Nothing was working.
After the HOURS and HOURS they told me -- go back to the store with a case number, receipt and the router and get a replacement one.

When I got to the store they said they couldn't do it.
The router isn't sold anymore.
They'd have to find out from their distributor what could be done.

WHAT?! How can I go without my internet at home???

So I asked if they could find out what could be done. They were so great -- willing to call right then and find out what the options were. It would be replaced, but they had to wait for all the paperwork to be processed. It might not be until Saturday that it will be ready.

Saturday???!!! That was days away.

So I walked away, grateful for the store workers and how accommodating they were, trying to calm down and put things in perspective. How bad is it really that I'd have to wait a handful of days?

I have friends in Nairobi who often go days without POWER.
I've lived before without internet connection in my home.

And then I realized... I still have internet.
I just can't connect wirelessly.


So I have to plug in and stay in one place. Big deal.

Really... I so often get stuck in my ways and get really stubborn about it.

Now to apply this realization to other (more significant) areas in my life...

NOTE: The store had my replacement router ready for me yesterday. I got it set up this morning. :)