Super-Hero School...

5/11/2010 09:14:00 PM | 0 comments »

...that's where I was last night -- in my dreams.

Yeah -- in my dream last night I went to super-hero school. Go ahead and laugh. :)

So there I was in class -- me and 3 brothers. The youngest brother, about 6 years old, drove me to school on his bicycle (I rode "side-saddled" -- yes, on a bicycle). The eldest was played by John Krasinski (the guy who plays Jim from The Office), and he sat next to me in class (swwwwoooooon :) ) When class was dismissed we emptied out to the hallway where we were met by Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Mighty Mouse -- the whole lot of super heroes.

Our teacher was played by Ashton Kutcher and our lesson for the day was on "PAIN and SUFFERING." Our discussion was on how to increase the threshold of our ability to go through pain and suffering. Really, I have no recollection of what our teacher said, just woke up remembering the topic of discussion.

Little snippets of the dream kept popping up in my head throughout the day today. I just couldn't shake it from my mind (I think it's the heat in Manila!).

Not even going to try to interpret this dream.
But it has made me think about the different life circumstances of friends and family around me.
So many going through so much PAIN and SUFFERING.
Hard things.
Terrible things.
Heart-wrenching things.

As I watch friends and family go through these painful situations, I tend to look at them with a sense of awe and inspiration.
Trust. Faith. Hope. Perserverance. Belief in a greater good.
These are the things I sense in them.
These are the things that make them "super-hero" worthy to me.

What makes a hero to you??