...with or without me being around.
Amazing. The world doesn't stop when I'm away!
Embarrassing to admit it, but that's a hard truth to be okay with at times.
Even when I lived in the States I wasn't always living close enough to friends and family to be around for everything. But for some reason, living in another country makes events in others' lives so much more significant AND so much harder to miss.
- seeing my nephew graduate from pre-school.
- seeing my NEW nephew growing in my sister-in-law's belly!
- seeing my nieces grow up -- too fast!! (Baby Bella's walking!!)
- visiting my sister in her own post-graduation place.
- being with people I love dealing with hard, hard times.
- being around to help my parents get ready for whatever's next for them.
- friends getting engaged, married and pregnant!
- friends taking incredible steps of faith and moving towards exciting new things!
- seeing godchildren have dance recitals and such.
- ... just being face to face with people I love.
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