12/22/2005 10:58:00 AM | 0 comments »

Currently Listening
By David Crowder Band
"You Alone"

Well... it's been 182 days since I've created a Xanga account and here it is ... what you ALL (ok...Cindy, since you're the only one who knows I have this...) have been waiting for - my very first entry!

Woo-hoo! I know you all are on the edge of your seats waiting to hear what words of wisdom I have to share. Really, I've nothing to share other than -- WOW! there are a whole lot of you who are faithful at working on updating your Xanga and whoa...it's taken me A LOT more time to get this set up that I thought!

I came home "early" today (7:30 pm) and was looking forward to a night of rest and reading. But here I am working on this Xanga. Why? Not really sure. I read my sister's and her friends' almost everyday - just interested to see what's going on in her life and what things she has to share ... maybe it's that... just feeling like someone out there by chance might be interested in what I'm doing day to day or what thoughts I have.

Or, maybe it's just that the wireless network is working, I'm sitting in front of the tv, Christmas shopping is done and I just thought this might be something mindless yet productive to do.

Or, maybe it was the talk we had at work today about "Orbiting the Giant Hairball" and me feeling like I need to create for myself an outlet for creativity that I feel is risk-free?

Well, whatever the reason...I guess we'll see what it turns out being together. Whoever may join me on this road of randomness.

(wwwhhheeewwww.... how I LOVE CTRL-C... I almost lost my very first entry!)
Thanks, Cindy for helping me figure this out! You didn't realize your Ate was so Xanga-challenged, huh? heheheheheh