Casting Vision

7/19/2010 04:26:00 PM | 0 comments »


A group of about 10 media professionals from the Philippines and the Americas heading to a neighboring country here in Southeast Asia. The first Monsoon trip of its kind -- Vision Trip 2010.

One of the things that really energizes me about my work is the thought that through it, people would have the opportunity to get a glimpse of how God is at work in the world. And hopefully, get a vision for how they uniquely may take part in it.

I love seeing the look of excitement in people's eyes as the wheels start turning in their mind as they think about the possibilities of how they could be part of the exciting work of God. I love seeing them start to catch the vision of how who they are can contribute to the bigger picture. I love it when people can start to see how they can be themselves and through their gifts, their skills, their experience, and their passions, be an important part of the work of missions.

And so, I'm excited that this week a group of media professionals will actually experience this for themselves. Tomorrow they will travel to the country of one of our partner organizations and will work together with them on specific media needs that they have.
They'll capture images. They'll record interviews. They'll write up stories. They'll get the chance to see how their work truly does have value in the world of missions.

So, please pray for them. Pray for them as they get to know each other and work with each other. Pray for God to use them mightily this week and that they experience joy and delight in their service. Pray that their hearts and minds would be open to the things the Lord would have them learn and be challenged by each day during this trip. Pray too that as a result of this trip they would be advocates for media in missions.

Yes, I'm super excited for this group.
And yes, I'll admit it...I'm a little bit jealous that I'll not be with them.
I'll be stuck here in the office. Hehehehe!!!