Tied together...

12/18/2007 10:38:00 PM | 1 comments »

Over the past couple of years, one of the things that God has really been growing me in, is my understanding and practice of "interdependence." He has been teaching me that I can't... and am not intended to, do life on my own.

To some, this is an easy truth. To me, it's not. I fight against the strong desire to be independent and show my independence. "I can fiix this...," "I can handle this...," "I'll take care of that..." "No, I don't need help. I can do it.."

On this missionary journey, I feel like I'm being stretched in this area to the utmost degree.

As I think about living in a new culture and community, I know that I'll need to look to others to help me navigate all the cultural nuances and learn the language.

My finances are provided through a network of people and churches who are joining with me in ministry. To live where God has called me and to do the work He's called me to do... I need people to partner with me to do it.

There are things that I've never encountered before and have no idea what I'm supposed to do -- how do I file taxes as a missionary? how do I pack up my "life" to live somewhere else for two years? how do I "talk" on skype? how do I ship a balikbayan box?

So, last night I was looking through a list of people that God has brought into my life. I am humbled. I am grateful. I am awed.

Humbled ... Quite literally I could NOT be doing this work without these people. I NEED them. That people would choose to give sacrificially is hard to understand at times. And I'm not just talking money -- giving time, sharing ideas... so much!

Grateful ... In some ways I feel like I don't feel it enough. I know I don't express it enough. But, I am grateful. On this list are... People who have given me a places to live at different times. People who have fed me. People who have clothed me. People who have prayed for me -- some daily!! People who have been an advocate for me. People who have given financially to the ministry. People who have encouraged me. People who have counseled me. People who have kicked me in the butt to get me moving. People who have pointed things out to me and opened my eyes to different realities and truths. People who have held my hand... and just sat with me. People who have done life with me... and have taught me how to do life iwith them.

Awed ... I am in awe when I look at this list. Some people on this list I have known for a lifetime (literally!) Some people I have known since high school. Some people I've known since college. Some people I've worked with. Some people I've just met in this last year. And some people I've not even had the chance to meet yet! God ties us together in such amazing and unique ways. I am awed at God's power and at His heart to do this. He doesn't want me to do life alone, but to learn absolute dependence on Him... and to be connected to those around me. I am amazed. At His heart... and His heart in others.

The list is a huge expression to me of God's love, care and provision in my life -- His heart for me...and for the nations.

Blest be the tie that binds...


  1. Ruth Hubbard // December 19, 2007 at 12:24 AM  

    I'm glad you called your need for others' involvement in your life and ministry "interdependence." Aileen, it is true that you "need" the support of others, we "need" you too. I've gotten so that the personal ministries to which I make a committment (like mine to yours) are ones where I feel a kind of calling to them myself, but can't be everywhere and do everything which God has put a desire in my heart to do. You are serving me by your obedience to be a part of Wycliffe's work in Asia and the Pacific. In a way, what you do is MY ministry. I am so grateful for your willingness to serve so that I can do what I could not do on my own.