All Clear!

6/07/2009 01:30:00 AM | 0 comments »

Somewhere during my trip in the States I started to get sick. I think it was my allergies that started up in Dallas. That, or getting caught in the rain in Chicago.

Anyway, on the trip back to Manila I had to fill out a "Health Questionnaire" when we landed in Japan. Because I had nose congestion and was coughing I had to go the health clinic and get checked out. They swabbed my nose, mouth and took my temp. I had to wait 15 minutes for the test results.

What was nice was that I used the bathroom in the clinic and since I was the only one there I had it all to myself. I was able to wash up, brush my teeth -- all the things I normally have to do with all the other female passengers from my flight.

I was given the all clear and was able to get back in the line to go through immigration.

I think I amused the guy when I asked if I could take a picture. I'm pretty sure that he's smiling behind his mask.