Just Different.

7/12/2009 09:44:00 PM | 0 comments »

Not wrong.
Not bad.
Just different.

Whether it's the weather, the traffic, the work environment, the television programming... things are just different. Again, it's not wrong. It's not bad. It's just different.

One activity where I always feel the difference is going grocery shopping.

Just like in the States, you figure out which stores you like going to ... and when.
And, you figure out which stores you REALLY don't like going to... and especially know when to never step in the stores' doors.

For some reason, I totally ignored all of that when I decided to go to the grocery store "real quick" after church today. I should have known better.

EVERYONE was at the grocery store. The aisles were jam packed. The sales people were out in full force. There were little infomercial type demos taking place all over the store. The videoke system was being demoed -- loudly. And the checkout lines were forever long.

When I finally got out of the store I made way over to the taxi line where I waited for over an hour for a taxi to take me home.

It's not bad. It's not wrong. Just different.

And when I think about it -- REALLY think about it -- it's not ALL that different.
I think about shopping at Sam's or Costco's on a Saturday afternoon.
OR shopping at our local Acme store on an Eagles' game day.

So, maybe things aren't as drastically different as they sometimes feel.