7/23/2007 11:00:00 AM | 0 comments »

I have A LOT of stuff.
Waaaayyy too much stuff actually.

I'd been getting ready for the moving truck to come and pick up the bulk of my stuff and have been sorting, throwing, giving away most of my stuff. I got rid of almost 10 garbage bags worth of clothes. I gave away a ton of random things -- including some furniture and electronics.

On July 12th (about 2 weeks earlier than I had originally planned...) the moving truck came and we loaded it up with a bunch of stuff (mostly a few pieces of furniture, books and kitchen stuff). So neat to see how God takes care of details. The morning the truck was to arrive I wasn't sure how I was going to get it loaded. Thank God for servant-hearted friends ... Heather, Jeff, Jon and Norm came to help me get my stuff on the truck. And when the truck arrived at my parents' house in Newtown a family from the church arrived just when it did to help out. When will I learn to TRUST God to provide?

So I gave a way a ton of stuff and shipped a bunch home too ... so, why do I still have a lot of junk left??!!!

Today I moved into my friend Ruth's house. I couldn't even get everything over here to her house in one car load. I have to go back tomorrow to get the rest and clean up the house.

I'm supposed to travel to North Carolina and to Texas with everything I have left. Obviously... I have too much stuff and I'm going to have to get rid of more!!