My bags are packed...

1/28/2009 12:30:00 PM | 0 comments »

I hate last-minute packing. I tried to get most of it done last week so that it wouldn't be too difficult to finish up and zip up my bags this week.

Unfortunately, the task was much more difficult than I had anticipated.

I had my stuff sorted into three piles - Box 1, Box 2 (both of which would go with me on the plane) and Box 3 (this will be sent to me through Door-to-Door service). I thought I was just going to re-packing what I had already done last week and typing out my packing list (yes, I have a very detailed packing list typed up and printed out). I had already done an initial packing and weighing. It should've been a quick and simple task, right? WRONG.

Somehow over the weekend I must have thrown a few things randomly into my airplane boxes. After inventorying, packing and weighing... they were both well over 50 pounds. STINK! Why did they have to change the weight limit from 75 pounds?!

So, it made for a very frustrating, temper-filled day. It wore on my patience and irritated me A LOT. But finally my boxes were both right at 50 (okay, one might be a LITTLE over). And I'm packed and ready to go!