1. I really do love mornings at Ortigas Park. The quiet and serenity there MAY be enough to get me up early in the morning.

2. Communion is really a sweet way to celebrate Valentine's Day. "May we never forget the cost of Your love..."

3. Mall of Asia -- too many people!! Really, with all the malls here... Don't know that I'll ever have the need to go there again. At least not on the weekend.

4. Movies are really extra enjoyable when viewed from a lazboy. :)

5. Trusting my parents (my loved ones) to God I think will be a continual trust and faith exercise for me. It's hard to be so far away... Mommy had to make a trip to the ER because of high blood pressure and high fever. She's home and better. Pray for them both please. They are leaving to come here on Friday. Pray for clean bill of health and a safe, enjoyable trip and stay.

6. Finding TRUE rest-- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually ... Not always easy to do. But so very worth it. Must remember to do it more often.

A little late, but...

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