It's ONLY Wednesday.
I'm sooo ready for the week to be over.

This week has been kind of an emotional wrestling match.

I think the biggest thing I'm being challenged with is -- "God is God and I am NOT. And that really is GOOD and RIGHT." :) (ISAIAH 45)

Sometimes I look at life's circumstances and situations and just think and feel -- "That's not right!" And it's easy for my gut reaction to be -- "God fix this!"
As if I know better. Ha!

My parents have been planning and preparing for a trip to Manila. They were supposed to arrive this Friday. They were supposed to attend my dad's 50th high school reunion... and to visit ME (and other family of course!!)

Unfortunately, their plans had to change and they aren't coming anymore.
Over the weekend my mom had to go to the ER because of high blood pressure and high fever. Turns out she has an infection -- she's doing fine and has medicine to take care of it. However, while a hard decision to make, they've decided to not make the long trip at this time. They're unsure about traveling so far, so long.

Also this week I received news that a friend passed away. A young, beautiful and passionate woman, her heart for the Lord and for serving Him was evident. I met her only last June and saw her again in August -- but even in that short time, she was an incredible blessing and example to me. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer -- and from all that was shared about her time living with cancer, she lived with incredible faith, truth and peace in Christ. What an example of a life well-lived.

Grateful ...
- that my mom is feeling much better and she is getting what she needs to continue to get better.
- that while I can't see my parents in person ... I can still see and talk with them over Skype.
- that my friend is such a beautiful example of faith... to all whose life she has and WILL continue to touch through the stories that are shared about her.
- that she had the peace and love of Christ in her life... and in death.
- that in Him there is healing and wholeness.
- that God is patient with me. When my heart just wants to rage against everything that feels like it should be different... He knows and understands my heart and my hurts and helps me through it all.
- that God IS God... that He is in control... that He is WISE and GOOD and so are ALL the ways that He works.
- that even with all the questions, confusion, disappointments and sadness... that in Christ there is Truth, wisdom, hope, peace and joy.

Please pray for my parents. That my mom's health would continue to improve. And that the disappointment of missing out on this long-planned trip would be replaced with fun, sweet surprises while they stay home.

Please pray for my friends' family and friends. Pray for healing for hurt hearts. Pray for comfort and peace. Pray too for the lives that would be impacted through her life and how she chose to live it.

Pray that God would be glorified in ALL things. And, that I would trust and believe that.