Dallas Days

10/05/2007 01:28:00 PM | 0 comments »

Things I've enjoyed being while in Dallas...

1 - the beautiful flowers on the sides of the road - which I've been told is the legacy left by Lady Bird Johnson (I feel very ignorant about TX history here)

2 - spending time with my cousins here! I get to live with my cousin, Lani and her husband, Jeff which is really great for me. AND, I got to spend time with some more of my TX cousins almost all weekend last weekend. Including going to my one cousin's school fundraiser and going to the Texas State Fair!!

Rachel and the big prize Fred won her.

Eric and Fred -- and the crazy ride they rode!

Eric rode this one -- he's the brave one.

3 - State Fair Food! The "state fair food" really is a category on its own.
Jeff and Lani taking a bite out of the apple (a candied one...)

We tried "Deep fried Oreos." Oh yummy!

...and "Deep fried Banana Pudding"

...and "Texas-styled Nachos"!

And, it wouldn't be a fair without Cotton Candy!!

4 - the Cowboys game last weekend! It was soo much fun!

My wonderful hosts while I'm in Texas!

5 - Sprinkles Cupcakes! My cousin, Rachel and her boyfriend, Fred, bought cupcakes from Sprinkles for us. Yummy! We need to go and try the Red Velvet ones.

6 -Having a Panera nearby. Coming to you from... Panera :)