God's Timing...

10/05/2007 10:38:00 AM | 1 comments »

is amazing.

Yesterday, right after I posted, I went to a staff meeting at the office. One of the women shared a devotional written by Jill Carattini, "Boxes and Prophets." She talks about our tendencies to "put God in a box" without even knowing it. She says, "God is in a box and remains therein until the lines are challenged." So, where are lines needing to be challenged in my life? Where am I limiting the absolute GREATNESS of God to do what HE can do?

Oh.. I do that in so many ways!
"There's no way I'm going to Manila in January..." "I will be single forever..." "How will my friend ever come to really know Jesus..."
Boxes, boxes, everywhere!

So, I was reminded shortly after I wrote yesterday's post that GOD IS GOD. Know that.

THEN... when my cousin (in-law) came home he brought up the mail and had in his hand a package... FOR ME!!! Wouldn't it be like God that on a day of discouragement, He would have a care-package from a sweet friend arrive from Orlando!

The box was full of fun things that make my friend happy. And it so it made me happy!

Among the tons of stuff in the box... a pack of markers, a BIG bag of DARK CHOCOLATE, PEANUT M&Ms and a journal with this quote...

"Anna came to the ball prepared. She was beautiful in a striking gown that shimmered like starlight. She spent hours getting herself ready -- her hair, her dress, her heart. As they reached the dance floor, Anna expresses her fear of dancing with the King before the eyes of others. 'We wouldn't want to end up in a heap.' she says. His answer to her questioning heart? 'I am King. I will lead.'

"Jesus is extending his hand to you. He is inviting you to dance with Him. He asks, 'May I have this dance...every day of your life?' His gaze is fixed on you. He is captivated by your beauty. He is smiling. He cares nothing of the opinion of others. He is standing. He will lead. He waits for your response."

"My lover spoke and said to me, Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, and come with me." Song of Solomon 2:10

Oh, how I want to dance! My gaze fixed on Him. Captivated by His beauty. Smiling. Caring nothing of the opinion of others. Following His lead. Responding to Him.

Dance, Dance, Dance!


  1. Ruth Hubbard // October 18, 2007 at 7:02 PM  

    As I was reading this again (yes, I often read these more than once so I can "hear" them better) I was struck by the "box" deal.

    You said that thinking "I'll never be in Manila in January" is putting God into a box -- but that God is able to get you there even when it looks humanly impossible. (I've got stuff in my own life that is exactly this, so I'm only using your example 'cuz it's handy.) What if the real box issue is that you have defined "success" as getting there by January? Isn't that also box building? And the husband thing...what if the issue isn't whether or not you get married? What if the greater work of God is that you are content and whole and fulfilled in either circumstance? The idea that "married" and "single" is a big deal at all to God may box Him in more than we know.

    Okay, I've not reverted to blogging on you blog. Ramble ramble.

    This just really got me thinking this morning.