Back to Life...

5/10/2008 01:39:00 PM | 0 comments »

This song has been playing over and over again in my mind. I just can't seem to shake it... "Back to life. Back to reality. Back to the ... ... "

Okay, I don't remember the rest of the lyrics, so it's basically just those two lines I've had in my head!

I guess those lyrics have been on my mind lately because that's how I feel. It has been over a month (45 days) since my mom was initially diagnosed with leukemia and we began this crazy roller coaster of a ride. (You can read about that journey on the blog Love and Prayers.)

God has worked in such powerful ways during this time. He has provided over and over again. He has shown us His healing power. He has extended so much grace and love to us through so many. He has given His peace and His comfort. His Word has spoken His Promises and Truth to us. He has been with us.

My mom went through agressive chemo treatment that had her in the hospital from March 28th until April 24th. During that time she went through it all with such grace and strength. God was at work. The doctor discharged her and said that everything during the chemo and recovery went "great." PRAISE GOD!!!

She was discharged the evening of April 24th and told to "live a normal life." We've now been home for two weeks and it's like we're "back to life..."
For about a month I felt like I was living this sheltered existence in the hospital. Pretty much everything was focused on my mom and leukemia -- as I think it should have been. But now that we're home... it's been an adjustment.

I think we're all still settling back in to day-to-day life. For me, it's been a challenge because in a way I hadn't really been home since the beginning of March. So I'm trying to piece back where I left things off and figure out where I need to pick things back up. I need to make phone calls to get back in touch with friends I haven't talked to in weeks! I need to write emails and catch up on the overflowing inbox I've unfortunately neglected during this time! I need to file papers that have stacked up.

"Back to life. Back to reality."

And in the midst of all the things to do, there is the new mom has leukemia. A friend of mind whose father has cancer reminded me that it really is learning to "live with cancer." Ah... a lesson I'm learning.

Would you pray about that for me? Pray that I'd know how to live life in this new reality? Pray that I'd take time to rest and relax -- and not worry and hover over my mom. Pray that I'd cling to God and His Word - not fear and the unknown. Pray that I'd have God's wisdom to discern what I need to do next in regards to my work with Wycliffe...and when. Pray that I'd have the faith and trust to GO when and where He tells me to go.

On Monday, we go back to the hospital to meet with my mom's doctor. Hopefully we'll learn what happens next for her treatment. Usually with the type of leukemia my mom has, there is follow-up treatment that takes place - consolidation therapy. It would mean about a week in the hospital for chemotherapy and a few days at home for recovery. That would happen about once a month for 3-4 months.

Pray for wisdom for the doctors as they determine what treatment my mom should have. Pray for wisdom and grace for my mom (and us) as we continue to learn what it means to live with cancer. Pray for God's continued healing power - that the leukemia would be destroyed and NOT return. Pray we continue to depend and trust on Him.