Life continued...

5/21/2008 09:33:00 PM | 0 comments »

even while we were in the hospital last month!
Honestly, sometimes it was hard to remember that.
(How very ego-centric, I know!)

When my mom was diagnosed and soon-after treated for her leukemia, that was the same time that I was planning to get ready to leave for Manila. If things hadn't been as they were... I probably would have applied quickly for my visa, bought plane tickets, packed and had flown over to make my new home in Manila.

I was excited as I anticipated moving to Manila in late March / early April as there were 2 big events that were taking place around that time. A Scripture Dedication was being held in the Philippines and a conference was going to be held in Asia as well.

When my mom was diagnosed, there was no doubt in my mind or heart that plans would be put on hold and that I'd have to decline my involvement in those two events. I KNEW that being with my mom and my family at this time was where I needed to be. And God gave me such peace and assurance in that decision.

Even though I knew this... it was still sad to miss these things.

I missed seeing people celebrate having God's Word in their language. I missed seeing people from here in the States witness the joy and impact that comes with God's Word in the heart language. I missed seeing friends experience Filipino culture first-hand. I missed the rush and the adrenaline of working events like these and participating in all the fun production aspects. I missed working alongside friends I haven't worked with in a while (almost a year!). I missed exploring Asia with good friends. I missed seeing and experiencing God through those experiences and people.

Life continued. Of course.

But for all those things I missed... I would not have ever chosen to have missed out on God's blessing of being with my family during this time. I wouldn't have ever chosen to have missed out on experiencing and seeing God during this difficult time -- through my family, my friends, His Word, His Spirit and His presence.

Life continued. Sometimes different from how we expect it. Of course. But grateful that as life continues... so does He.

BTW: My friends Ruth and Heather were in Asia during the past month. Check out their blog archives from that month to read about their experiences!!