I Know, I'm a Dreamer

6/09/2008 05:54:00 AM | 0 comments »

This is a spot in our yard that I've been trying to prepare to fix up. It used to be a vegetable garden but we've had too many encounters with the local wildlife. So, we're planning to make this a flower garden.

THIS is my inspiration. This is the "Healing Garden" at Saint Mary. I've not actually been in it. I've only seen it from the upstairs or on the way to the cafeteria downstairs. I would love to create a place in our backyard that is just... serenity.

However, there's a "heat wave" here in the northeast and they say the air quality is poor -- to stay inside. So, I guess the yardwork will have to wait... okay by me! The couch, a nap and some movies wait for me! :)
Hahaha... I'll take any excuse to veg for the day :)