What's Going On???

6/05/2008 10:32:00 AM | 0 comments »

Some may be wondering..."What's going on with Wycliffe while you're caring for your mom?"

Well... I was given the okay at the end of March to postpone my departure for Manila and take time to focus on my family and be here to help out. I've been really grateful for the ability to do this. Her treatment was pretty intense -- caregiving took a lot of time and energy. It was really a blessing to have the freedom to focus on that and not feel pulled and divided. Having this time has been a huge blessing to me.

My mom's treatment for her leukemia will continue for a few more months still. I've asked if I can continue to stay here in Newtown through the completion of her treatment and a bit afterwards as things settle down.

Her current treatment is done differently from her initial treatment. I anticipate having more time and energy -- and I'm eager to get back to work. I'm talking with my administrator and my future boss in Manila, trying to see if I can arrange for a remote assignment during this time. I'm grateful that there's a possibility for us to work out some arrangement that would permit me to continue to be involved in ministry and be here to care for my family.

Pray that I'd be learning the lessons God has for me during this time. Pray that I'd be using this time to His glory -- accomplishing all He has for me, becoming more like Him.