My Lazy Sunday

6/09/2008 07:25:00 AM | 0 comments »

When we get home from hospital stays I have a tendency to move at a frantic pace trying to get lots of things done. Bills, laundry, dishes, email, cleaning, ... whatever. I don't know why. Maybe it's feeling like I need to accomplish a whole bunch of things case we have to go back right away. Maybe it's feeling the need to "catch-up" on things I wasn't able to do while we were gone. Maybe it's because I'm a task-oriented person. (hehehe)

For whatever reason, when we got back today... I didn't feel the need. Rest. Relax. That's all I wanted to do.

After taking a quick shower and eating lunch I watched some of the bicycle race on TV. I camped out on the couch and watched Rendition and napped.

I made some pichi-pichi for a snack/dessert for us.

I plan to watch National Treasure 2 tonight and maybe do some reading.

Ok, I did do a load of laundry. Sometimes it just has to be done... especially when you're down to the last of your underwear. (heheh!)