For Mommy and Daddy

2/15/2009 09:22:00 PM | 0 comments »

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I got to eat some yummy "home-cooked" type food while on the Monsoon retreat. I thought I'd post some photos of some of the meals to give my parents some dinner ideas.
This morning we had Tocino and I was introduced to eating it in a different way. We had rice and eggs - typical. But what I had never known to do before this morning, was to have it with a some vinegar! It was good! The vinegar was a special type of vinegar with chilis and some other stuff in it. (I think there was something that made it a little sweet??)

And... Daddy... you'd be proud. I ate your favorite and I actually liked it!!! Does that make me a true Filipino now?? :)

(You can click on the image above to see a bigger version.)