Who Am I???

2/04/2009 08:00:00 AM | 0 comments »

I was born in Stamford, Connecticut and was raised in that town until my family moved to Pennsylvania when I was entering the 10th grade. I have lived my entire life in the U.S.A.

I was born to parents who were born and raised in the Philippines until they each moved to the U.S. in their twenties.

I am commonly asked in the States -- "What are you?" "Where are you from?" -- and while I've always had a secret frustration with these questions I've always understood what people are really asking. They want to know about my ethnic heritage.

I identify myself as so many things. I'm an American. I'm a woman. I'm an employee. I'm a daughter. I'm a sister. I'm a friend. I'm a cousin. ... And, I'm Filipino.

I've wondered about that last one a few times since I've arrived, honestly. What gives someone the ability to identify themselves as one thing or another? Does my ancestry give me that "permission" to call myself Filipino?

As I've met people since I've gotten here I've had a few people comment on how I'm Filipina on the outside, but really American. And, honestly, I've said that about myself as well at times. There's truth to it. At times when I've heard this from others there is a little sting in hearing it. It feels like I'm hearing, "Oh, you're not really Filipino." Does the fact that I was born and raised in the United States diminish my Filipino identity, my family ties?

I feel like I've begun this long process of learning who I am on so many levels... including, who I am as a Filipino.

The one thing I've been remembering is that my primary identity is as HIS. I am a child of God. So, as I continue to live and struggle with learning and understanding more about WHO I AM, I will cling to my identity in Christ -- the identity that will be mine without fail... for eternity.