I'm Mobile Again!!

2/07/2009 07:30:00 AM | 0 comments »

Today I finally got my cell phone set up to use here in the Philippines.
It really wasn't all that complicated, but for some reason it took me all week to accomplish this simple task.

Just like in the States, you can get set up with a post-paid cell plan (which is typically what folks do in the U.S. -- I had a plan like this) OR you can get a pre-paid cell plan (not as popular, but you see it around more frequently -- my first cell phone was a Tracfone).

The other day after looking around at apartments with Carolyn, she was kind enough to take me to the mall where I could visit one of the local cell service providers. We were able to get a flyer with information about all the plans. The store was packed and after a long day of apartment hunting I didn't feel up for waiting to ask questions. So, we left at my request and I figured I would take it, read it, select the plan I wanted and come back for my purchase.

Well, I took it back, read it... and got pretty confused. All the plans made sense and I was able to figure out what was included in each. But, what I couldn't determine was -- which was the best one for me.

Here in the Philippines text messaging is by far more commonly used than talking on a cell phone. But what I wasn't sure about was how often would I text? Do you pay for when you receive a text? Can I send and receive texts when I'm out of the country?

After reading it over and over, asking some co-workers questions, thinking some more about it... I finally made a decision.

Today, Erlene and Rexey (my officemates) came with me during the lunch break to St. Francis Square (one of the many nearby malls from our office).

We picked up a new SIM card for my phone (thanks Rachel!) and a 300 peso "load."I think Christian got a kick out of the English speaking Fil-Am.

We celebrated my getting something done from my To-Do-List by having lunch at Chow-King. (Yay! I got some siopao and won-ton soup.)