I would likely come in last.

I have long thought that of all the reality shows out there, Amazing Race would be the one I'd like to do. It would be awesome to travel around the world and do all sorts of activities I'd likely never do otherwise.

But, I think I've changed my mind. I think I'd probably be the last one in at the very first check-in point. My downfall, I believe, would be speed -- getting from place to place quickly. Specifically due to my inability to catch a taxi.

When you watch that show you see people catching taxis all over the world. Some have a definite skill, ease and confidence in doing it. Others just don't. I fall in the "Others" category.

I know that getting a taxi is really just not a big deal. But, having lived in the suburbs all my life and having owned my own car for most of it, I've never really had to rely on others or public transportation to get me from point A to point B. Life here in Manila has been, and will be different in this regard. And so I'm learning that I'm one of the "Others" when it comes to my taxi-catching skills.

My housing is about an hour drive away from the office (in traffic). I've been taking a taxi to and from work and it's probably the most exhausting part of the day for me.

I find that there is something incredibly vulnerable and humbling about standing on the street corner... waiting. I'm standing out there for everyone to see. And, there I am -- needy. And, I even have to advertise my "needy-ness" by raising my arm up for the drivers to see me before they go by (GASP!) The worst is that it's about 15-20 minutes worth of waiting and dealing with rejection each time a taxi drives by full OR even worse when they stop and decide they don't want to drive you that far.

But, it's been a week and every time I've sought a taxi, I've gotten one. And it's getting easier and a little less uncomfortable each day.

NOTE: Now, the fact is... most everyone has or does use all forms of transportation here. I am not "unusual" or "odd" taking taxis. And, I definitely don't look at people waiting for taxis as needed or rejected. So, yes...my self-consciousness as I stand waiting for a taxi is totally self-imposed and I know this. I'm telling you... the things I'm learning, or being reminded, about myself in even the littlest of things - like getting to and from work!