9/27/2009 08:51:00 PM | 0 comments »


Sunday school in Igbonglo. Service in Igbonglo. Stop to see rice planting. Service and church dedication in Alangan. Bible study in Pantao. Interviews throughout the day. Sweet fellowship of the body all day. Fresh buco!

Standout moment from the day...
Throughout the day we got to be among groups of people gathered together to worship God.

There was a moment at Pastor Larry's church when from behind my camera I took notice -- voices were singing out to God.

As I've had opportunities to visit with people who love the Lord in different parts of the world, there is nothing sweeter to me than hearing and seeing hearts lifted to God in prayer and praise and worship. Moments like that remind me -- this is why I am doing what I'm doing.

The worship of God in the lives of people.