Wycliffe's vision is to see God's Word accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their heart.

This is a vision that God has also given me. But, as I've worked alongside others towards this vision I have at times admittedly lost sight of "WHY?" It becomes too easy to get so focused on the tiny piece that I can do and I can forget the big picture.

I don't believe the heart of this vision is so that we can go down a checklist and say the languages have all been done. I don't believe the vision is just to package up the Bible in another language in a new bound book.

The heart of the vision, is the heart of God. It is to see lives changed. It is to see lives hear His Words speak to them. It is to know and experience forgiveness in a world of bitterness and hatred. It is to declare the true victory in moments of despair. It is to bring peace despite conflict. It is to offer Words of hope in the midst of pain and suffering.

This past year friends of mine who work in Orlando were able to travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo. While there, they met men and women whose lives are a testimony of God moving in and through lives and the power of His everlasting Word in the heart language... in the midst of great suffering.

The following is a video produced from that trip.
Sometimes we need reminders of "WHY?" ... reminders like this.

(NOTE: This video may not be suitable for all ages.)

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