Coming Soon...

5/19/2009 11:45:00 PM | 0 comments »

... the Kinaray-a New Testament!

On Thursday, May 21, 2009 the Translators Association of the Philippines will submit to the Philippine Bible Society, to be published for the very first time... the Kinaray-a New Testament.

The reason why I travelled to Antique in April was to document some of the final stages of completing the translation work before it was sent to be printed. The translation team wanted to give a group of about 15-20 of their fellow Kinaray-a speakers (among them were pastors, lay people, and Christian leaders) one last opportunity to do a final read-through to proofread for typos, misspellings and give any other feedback on the translation.

I am so thankful that I had the chance to travel to Antique and see this all happen. I was impressed by the men and women -- so committed and dedicated to this project that they took two days to review the completed work and give their input. I was touched by hearing their stories of faith and obedience. I was inspired by the sight of seeing them read God's Word in their own language with such engagement. And then seeing it pour out of them as they were often compelled to share their insights from their reading with other reviewers. I was excited to hear about how the people in the community were eagerly anticipating God's Word in Kinaray-a. And I was grateful to hear about the ways that the translated Scriptures were already making a difference in lives there.

It was such a wonderful trip. I am thankful that I had the chance to see what God is doing in Antique and all He's doing through His faithful followers.