Trip to Target

5/14/2009 10:17:00 PM | 0 comments »

I got to go to Target today. [BIG SMILE]
I know big deal. But, for those of you who are from the States and live overseas -- you might relate to my excitement.

It was such a nice feeling walking into the store. It was like seeing an old, familiar friend.

As I walked around the store. I realized that I didn't really need to get anything. There really wasn't anything there that I couldn't get back in Manila. As my mom and I finished our trip through the store and paid for the things we picked up I realized what made my trip to Target so special. It was just that it was sooo familiar.

I am comfortable there. I know when I walk into a Target (or a Wal-Mart or most any other store here) I know what I can and can't get there. I know where to go. I can pretty much know upon walking into the store which one of the 2-3 layouts it is and I know where in the store to get a specific item. Rarely do I need to ask where something is or even if they have something. It's familiar. I know it.

What made me happy on that trip was realizing that one day... maybe ... I'll feel the same way about stores in Manila. One day.

Side note: There's McDonald's across the street from our office in Manila. I often go there for lunch. I don't think I realized that one of my favorite things was missing from their menu. I enjoyed it while shopping at the mall with my mom (she needed a dress to wear to an upcoming wedding). Medium Hazelnut Iced Coffee. Yum. Really??? Do they not have this in McDonald's in Manila? Must remember to check on that when I get back.