Welcome Home!!!!

5/14/2009 12:15:00 PM | 1 comments »

I'm back in the States.
I got a nice warm welcome when I arrived in Detroit.
The special treatment.
For the first time ever I had all of my bags thoroughly checked at customs. And, when I re-entered security check to get on my connecting flight I had to go through another special screening. They had me stand in this special circular phone booth type thing-y and took all-around images of my head-to-toe. Thankfully I had enough time before my connecting flight to Philadelphia, so I didn't mind the extra attention too much.

I'm mostly just glad they didn't take the pasalubong I brought for my Kuya that I forgot to claim. Heheh. :)

I've hugged my mom and my dad. Showed them tons of photos. Ate my first Chic-Fil-A #5 meal (of many). Took a nice long, hot shower after 24 hours of travel. Pet Snuggle the cat. Watched American Idol (Yay Kris Allen!!!). Feels good to be home.

What also feels good is that I wasn't as emotional as I had expected I'd be when I arrived. On the flight over I journaled about things I like and am looking forward to returning to in Manila. I think it helped. While I have moments when I'm in Manila of discomfort, homesickness or just change... I do believe I am where I am supposed to be. I'm doing what I'm made to be doing. There's a great peace and confidence I have in that. So, it's good to be home... in PA. And to know that I when I leave here in a few weeks, I'll be going home... to Manila.

Kind of strange to feel at "home" in so many different places.


  1. Jeff and Heather Pubols // May 14, 2009 at 3:56 PM  

    They gave me a thorough check in customs, too. Tons of questions--what specifically are you bringing back? why do you live in kenya? why did you change your name in your passport? is your husband an american? why are you in chicago?