Food Frenzy

11/08/2008 12:04:00 PM | 0 comments »

I enjoyed my fair share of food over the last week.
Okay, honestly... I overdid it.

It all started on the trip out to Manila.

In 1999 I traveled with my grandmother and aunt to Manila for the very first time. It was very important that my grandmother, a dialysis and diabetes patient, ate regularly. During our flight it seemed that our eating schedule got all out of whack. It felt like forrrrevvverrr before any food was offered to us. With my best "please help me face," I asked the flight attendant if I could please have a few extra crackers for my grandmother. She very kindly gave me two whole handfuls of crackers and snacks for her. It was a very "Tiny Tim" moment.

Well, ever since that time whenever I'm on an international flight, I feel this need to eat... whenever food is offered to me. In my mind, there is this unknown... When will there be food again? (as if it would be for days, weeks, years?) It's so bad that if you don't see me eat the food right then... check my bag, I've likely stashed it away "just in case."

Unfortunately, during this trip that mentality didn't stop when I stepped off the plane. Throughout the week of meetings we've been offered breakfast, snack, lunch, snack ... and as if I was storing away for winter, I've accepted each offering happily. The food at our meeting location has been DELICIOUS. And, for some of our "on our own" dinners I've been able to order some tasty Filipino dishes.

This was our morning SNACK one day.

Yes, I said SNACK.
And yes, I finished it.

Sigh. I think I should go out for a walk ... a looonnnnggg walk with loooootttsss of hills.