Being Thankful

3/24/2009 08:39:00 PM | 0 comments »

So, some things I've read about going through the stages of transition definitely encourage NOT living in denial and being honest about the very real feelings that you go through during these times.

At the same time, there is great value in cultivating an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving. Recognizing that in the midst of hard, difficult or just different times ... there are positives. There are blessings. There's good stuff.

* Today I got to pay my utility bill with my ATM card at the ATM machine at the bottom of my work building. How convenient and easy is that?! And I think ALL my bills work that way, too!

* Today I had to go to get fingerprinted for some more official paperwork needed for me to stay in the country (Alien Certificate Record). God has completely blessed me with people who have been so helpful walking me through these processes. I just go where they bring me and all these important things that need to get done, get done! People are so generous with their time and help. What a gift of grace.

* I'm in the middle of finishing up a Communications Strategy Plan for a colleague in the area who is working to engage the church in his country in cross-cultural missions. It's amazing thinking about what God is doing right here in this area of the world... and that I get to be a tiny, tiny part of it!

* Yesterday, I met a woman and two of her friends who are currently sailing around the world on the Doulos? After a year on the ship she'll join our communications team for a year.

* Today I heard about work that is being done with the deaf community in the Philippines to make stories available to them in their own sign language. Amazing!!

So there. Positive things from today. There's more I'm sure. But a few things to keep me reminded today ... things are and really will be okay. :)