My Saturday at "Home"...

4/17/2010 09:31:00 PM | 0 comments »

...was actually spent in Mega Mall.

I love when I get weekends at home. I enjoy sleeping in, taking care of things in my house, lounging around watching movies or reading. I enjoy being home. Go ahead, call me a home-body :)

This weekend I'm in Manila and was looking forward to being home today.
BUT, knowing that I'm taking off next weekend I decided I should take care of an important errand today.

Several years ago I found the most fabulous travel companion... the PERFECT carry-on size luggage. For weeks I went to store after store. I inspected every piece available all over the Orlando area. I was determined to find just the right one. And there at Ross... I found him! He was a "unique" color -- olive green with red trim. The perfect size -- cabin sized that was also expandable. He was perfect for carrying on or checking in -- just right for a week-long trip. And durable!! He was my faithful friend on every trip we took together. SIGH.

He's not forever gone -- but he's far, far away.
When my parents were packing up to head home, they needed an extra piece of luggage. And since it was late on a Sunday night ...I had to say goodbye to him.

So today... I went to the mall with the insane idea that I'd be able to pick something up in an hour or so.

Because I am by far the most indecisive shopper EVER, the hour-long errand took more like 8 hours.
I am certain that I was the entertainment for all the luggage salespeople in that mall. I went from store to store checking things out. I opened bags. I opened compartments. I wheeled bags around. I expanded and collapsed the handles.

For hours. Literally.

I just couldn't make a decision so I decided to take a break. I ended up getting some frozen yogurt followed up with a trip to the hair salon. I was there for a while; I got a color and cut -- which comes with a nice head and back massage. Sitting there as Oliver massaged my head and shoulders I was thinking about why this errand had become SUCH a big deal.

I guess I'm still getting used to shopping here and not constantly comparing it with all my lifelong experiences of shopping at home. Shopping here isn't bad ... it's just different. Sometimes I find that I dwell on the differences and I just don't let myself get past them. And it's times like that when I get stalled.

Back home I shopped for luggage at Ross and Marshall's. I got really great deals on really good quality luggage. Often when I've shopped at those stores, you could spend your whole shopping trip without a single salesperson speaking to you until you get to the register. I felt the freedom to pull bags of shelves, open them up, and test them out.

Shopping here, salespeople make it their priority to help the customer in any way that they can. That often means that you can be approached by a lot of workers sharing products with you to see if it might be what you need. In the department stores each brand has salespeople assigned to it -- so because of that you might be approached by numerous people. And, because they are there to serve you, if anyone spots you pulling a bag out -- they are quick to help you out.

Shopping here REALLY isn't bad ... it is just different. I love how friendly the sales people are. I had some fun conversations with the sales people today. I love how eager they are to help. They tried their hardest to find something that would meet all my requirements. And boy --- were they patient!! But, sometimes I just want to walk the aisles at my own pace and not feel like I'm hurting someone or that I've wasted their time because I didn't end up buying their product. (Which really, that is just my own personal issue with being a people pleaser. I had one salesguy even tell me, "Oh that other brand you're looking at there. That's also a good quality. Yes, you should get that if you want to save money.")

When all the beautifying at the salon was complete, I left there determined to get past my mental blocks.
I returned to the store where I was warmly welcomed back by all my new luggage friends, "Oh, Ma'am you're back!" I decided to make a decision and buy something. I chose to forget about what my past experiences were like and make a decision based on my present reality.

And so, introducing my new friend...
She is beautiful! Or, as the sales guy told me -- sophisticated, like me. (Okay, so maybe I got suckered in a little bit by the flattery). She has a nice, smooth working "trolley" (i learned that term today). She has FIVE, yes FIVE wheels. She even has a built in TSA lock. And... she is NOT black. She is a charcoalish grey. I think she's different enough to stand out on the luggage carousel. And, I even picked up a little friend to go along with her. She'll be perfect to carry my laptop and my travel papers.

I sometimes get caught off guard when I find myself being overwhelmed or still experiencing moments of what people might call -- "culture shock."
So long as I recognize when I hit those moments and am able to move through them...

OH!!! I think I'm inspired by my friends who have their little travel buddies. A friend visiting this week had her "Kid Bean." Ruth has "Filbert." All the world has "Flat Stanley." And so, I think it would be nice to have a little stuffed buddy to travel through Asia with me.
Now to find just the right one... hahahahaha!!!

And another OH!! I don't mind that it took so long today. Because it was so late I went to have dinner at another nearby mall. And there I had my 2nd celebrity sighting... Derek Ramsey and Sam Milby. [BIG SMILE].