Go Figure!

11/13/2009 11:45:00 PM | 0 comments »

Tonight, I was standing around talking with a group of girls while waiting for movie night to begin.
I used one of the girls’ names in conversation and all of a sudden it became the “test-Aileen-on-her-name-recall” game.

As I went around the circle, I surprised myself as I remembered each of their names…
Papri… Tonni… Sika (which I think I’ve been pronouncing correctly as Cheek-ah) … oooh… drawing a blank…”
I tried the whole A…B…C… nothing.
One of her friends stood behind her trying to give me clues to help me out.
Nope. Not triggering anything.

Finally, they splurt her name out for me.
The name I forgot?
Yes, go figure! I remember the new names that are unfamiliar to me … and forget good ol’ Sylvia!