Seeing the World

11/03/2009 09:02:00 PM | 0 comments »

I may not get to see this place as the rest of the world sees it.
There won’t be any trips to tourist spots.
I won’t travel to landmarks or other “must-sees.”

But God, I’m so thankful for how I do get to see it.
You’ve given me the privilege of seeing it…

• around the table each day, eating meals with families and new friends from different parts of this nation
• in the faces of new friends as they tell me their stories of family and faith
• in the friendly guard who greets me good morning as I walk by
• in the sweet, sweet face of baby Ruthie as she hands me a piece of candy
• in walks and talks (walkie-talkie the girls teach me :))
• in learning about the struggles, and hearing about the victories and miracles
• in sitting with the women and rolling out the chapati
• in seeing the hearts and convictions, and hearing the dreams
• in seeing the smiles and hearing the laughter
• in watching the children run and fly their kites
• in the compassion of a son, caring for his father as he undergoes cancer treatment
• in witnessing worship … passionate worship!

God, give me your eyes, ears and heart – to see, hear and love the world and people around me as you do.