Thumbs Up!

11/14/2009 06:00:00 PM | 0 comments »

I don't THINK that I typically use the "thumbs-up" gesture in my daily life. At least I'm not aware that I do??
I normally think of it as something a greasy-haired, middle-aged, trying-to-be-cool guy does. Usually it seems cheesy looking to me. (At least when I do it I think I probably look cheesy and geeky).
To me, the thumbs up sign doesn't really give off the cool "Fonzie" "Aaay" vibe that it once had.

So then, why do I find myself giving people the thumbs up sign ... in cultures where it's TOTALLY inappropriate and communicates something entirely different?

No, it doesn't say "Aay" or "Alright" or "Okay" or anything positive -- and I've been advised to NOT use it in certain places. You'd think that would not be a problem since I normally don't give people the thumbs up. But of course not... I find myself in those places giving people a cheesy smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up. UGH!

I think the next time I'm here I'll tie a ribbon around my thumb as a reminder. Ha! :)