Goodbye Florida

8/09/2007 11:00:00 AM | 0 comments »

Today I crossed the state line and said goodbye to Florida.
A sad moment really.

I have loved being a Florida resident. I went to college at the University of Florida. It was at UF that I came to know and love God. I came back to Florida 3 years after graduating from college and God deepened my heart for missions and opened my eyes to the work of Bible translation. It was in Florida that He renewed my heart for the church -- and gave me a church I love. I have been blessed with great friends and family in Florida.

So... driving across the state line into Georgia was a sad moment for me.

But, on the other side of that line in Kennesaw was a wonderful lifelong friend. While it was sad to drive away from a place and people I love... it is sooo nice to spend time with my friend and her family.

We talked about how there is something about staying with someone in their home. It's so good for me to spend this time with them in their house. To see their kids in their "natural state" and to see how they parent them with such love and care. It's so fun!

It's encouraging too -- just knowing how excited she is for my new adventure and having her support and encouragement means a lot.

Here they are... Katlyn, Malachi (Chi) and my god-daughter Emilia (Emi) -- unfortunately I couldn't get myself to wake up before Thom left for work).