It's too late for me to be starting a post tonight so this will be quick.

I had dinner with a Wycliffe couple tonight. Myself, 2 other ICC trainees and another gentleman with Wycliffe were invited over to their home. The one couple served in Peru for 26 years and the one gentleman was there for 36 years (I think I have those numbers right!) Regardless... both families served in Peru a whole lot of years!!

It was encouraging after being in class all morning hearing about learning how to really be engaged in another culture, and knowing how / when to make personal adjustments ... hearing the challenges and how emotionally, physically, spiritually challenging that can be...

It was encouraging to hear the stories of men and women who have done it over the long haul.

Without mistakes? No. Without hardships? Certainly not.
With God's grace? Yes. With His power and faithfulness at work? Certainly.

TIP FOR TODAY: Remember it is critcal to have complete submission, reliance and dependence on God. Recognize that you can't do it. And He knows it. His power is perfected in weakness.

And another...
Commit to become more over time than you are right now. Recognize that you are not complete. You can become more than you are right now. And He will.