If you think about it this week... PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!

Today, the church I normally go to here in NC was not having service (they're on a retreat). So... I ventured out and chose to go to a Korean church. It was such a cool experience. Ok... I don't like it when people say "All Filipino people..." but really... it seems like Koreans always have such BEAUTIFUL singing voices!! The service was all in Korean, so I didn't understand much. But, it was a beautiful reminder to me of the value of worshipping in one's own heart language as I heard them all sing, pray, worship in their language.

After service I was invited too to join them for lunch. It was YUMMMMYYY!!! During lunch a kind woman came up to me -- she leads the youth group -- and invited me to come back to share with their youth about my calling and about this ministry. Woo-hoo!!! I'm excited! This Friday from 8 pm - 9 pm I'll be sharing with both the youth group and the children in a combined meeting.

So... if you would... PLEASE PRAY!!
I didn't come to NC prepared to do any "formal" sharing. I didn't think I'd have the opportunity or time. So, I didn't even bring any of my presentation "stuff." Would you pray that I'd be disciplined about taking time this week to prepare and that God would give me great creativity and all the resources I'll need to communicate the message He wants shared with this group? -- THANKS!!


  1. GatorPNP // August 28, 2007 at 12:47 AM  

    That's awesome, Aileen! It's amazing how God opens doors and opportunities when we least expect it. God Bless!!! Miss and think about you often!


  2. Ruth Hubbard // August 30, 2007 at 3:03 AM  

    Woooo hooooo!!! I will be praying.