ICC: Day ?? - "Victory!!"

8/31/2007 10:02:00 AM | 0 comments »

It's been an intense couple of days. So much has been going on.
This week I have been gripped with feelings of...

But, I've seen God's glory.
I've seen Him shine through the lives of other people who have humbled themselves in ways that make me stand in awe. I've seen His glory through the HOPE that people have clung tightly to. I 've seen His glory through His children walking in the LIGHT and letting Him shine on the darkness. I've seen His glory as He's brought forth His Word to bring COMFORT, PEACE and TRUTH. I've seen His glory as I've heard the words of truth, encouragement and prayer lifted up by His children.

It amazes me. There IS victory in Jesus! When I let myself forget who He is... I forget that and am full of fear. When I am reminded of who He is... who I am in Him... then I can be confident to move forward.

Thank you to those of you who have been praying for me. It has and continues to make a difference. PRAY ON!!!

And let me know how I can pray for you. If there's one thing I'm learning... prayer for one another is CRITICAL!