Ok... in the midst of all the intense stuff of the last couple of weeks, there has been fun too!

Tuesday I took a "Land Transportation" course where we practiced off-road driving.

There was a group of 5 of us in the class. We drove out to the back woods on the center and drove through the woods basically. We were driving down these nice dirt paths with the trees and spider webs snapping as the car came through. I had A LOT of fun.

We drove through the wooded course and then came to a clearing where we drove the car up these cement "steps" and then had to be directed by another person to drive and park the car on top of two flattened soda cans. Oh -- while you're not able to see out the front windshield! It's supposed to help you to learn how to give / follow directions if you need to navigate someone through some road obstacles.

A couple of things I have to remember:
1 - slow down: ok, I have a tendency to drive a little on the fast side. As I was driving I was going up this one incline that had some pretty deep ruts that I was driving in and thinking I had to make it up that hill I gave it a little gas. Maybe a little too much since the instructor said I could slow down a little. Funny. That's the same thing my Driver's Ed teacher told me too! :)

2 - when you're driving and it looks like there's a nice little drop off... would be a good idea to get out and take a look at it before driving ahead: We got to this one spot where it looked like the dirt road just ended. The instructor said to go down that way. I took a peak out the window to make sure there was something down there... it looked okay, so I went. Thinking about it afterwards... I probably should have gotten OUT to check that.

3 - off-road driving was not intended for my cute little Nissan Altima: As much as I'd like to do that again, I don't think it would survive such a course!


  1. Ruth Hubbard // August 31, 2007 at 8:17 PM  

    Oh my! I'm not sure you needed any encouragement to drive more...er...enthusiastically. :)