Okay... yeah, I know. I've been a blogger slacker. Last week I was having internet problems in my apartment and just lost the momentum. So... today is catch up day.

Tuesday 8.21.07
ICC: Day 13 - "Bumming Meals..."
Something fun about ICC is bumming meals off of the Pubols. (hehehehe) It seems like I've done it a lot since ICC started. Today's meal was unintentional. I came bearing Banana Flavored Reese's Peanut Butter Cups... and ended up getting Sloppy Joes and Salad :)
Yummmy... so good to having them around! They're so good to me :)

Wednesday 8.22.07
ICC: Day 14 - "Cookies and Coffee"
Had the Pubols and Karen over for dinner. We watched some Brian Regan on YouTube (FUNNY guy!) and then started the cookie taste test.
While we were at Wal-Mart I picked up a tube of Toll House cookie dough and Wal-Mart cookie dough. We had a taste test to see if there was a difference. Mike and Rachele came over and joined us for Cookies and Coffee and story time. :)
It was fun evening hearing all the cute "how we met stories" and hearing bits and pieces of where people have been and parts of their life stories. I think that's the thing I like about things like this (weeks long training) -- getting to meet and getting to know people and their stories. It's also the thing I have hard time with in things like this ... it's just a few weeks... and I know I'm only getting glimpses of their lives. But, every bit is worth while.

Thursday 8.23.07
ICC: Day 15 - "The Most Exhausting Day"
Today was undeniably the most exhausting day of all of ICC. We talked about Spiritual Warfare and then about Suffering. We heard the testimony of a couple (not with my same organization) who had to deal with much suffering and I heard the absolute PRAISE and FAITH with which they faced, and continue to face that suffering.

I can't even express yet the thoughts I had about that day. I came back from the class just mentally, emotionally exhausted. I journaled and cried for about an hour after I got back. I'll blog about it I'm sure... but if I tried to do it now, it would be wayy too long.

Friday 8.24.07
I absolutely love the book of Ephesians. This was one of the turning point books for me during college and God continues to use it to return my heart to His. In class we went through how to do an Inductive Bible study and used Ephesians as an exercise. Following that we had a woman come and share about "Identity in Christ." After the previous day's class and my "spiritual weariness" that followed... this was a great reminder.

Friday nights one of the families has continued their weekly tradition of family game night opening it up to all us ICC'ers. I played SEQUENCE for this first time and watched a game of Kansas City Rook (?). Now I know how to play ... next time... watch out!

Saturday 8.25.07
ICC: Day 17 - "Blah Blah Blah"
That's kind of how I felt today. Woke up. Put laundry away (yes... Friday I finally did laundry!). Changed my license plate. Went to the grocery store. Wrote some. Read some. Watched some online tv. ate too much. went to an ICC BBQ. Held a baby. Ate too much again. Came home. Watched more online tv while writing some more. Did some more reading. Blah-blah-blah.

So... that's the re-cap.